Event Notifications
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    Event Notifications

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    Article summary

    Backblaze Event Notifications can automatically trigger workflow actions for any data change in Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage, such as uploads, updates, or deletions. You can create event notification rules using either the Backblaze web console or the Backblaze API. These rules associate your webhook endpoint with a bucket, one or more event types, and, optionally, the path to a set of files. When an event that matches a rule occurs, Backblaze B2 attempts to send an HTTP POST message to the associated webhook endpoint. If a signing secret was specified during the creation of the event notification rule, that signing secret would be used to sign the HTTP POST message.

    You can use Event Notifications to perform the following tasks, as well as many others:

    • Transcode video files as they are uploaded to Backblaze B2.
    • Record Backblaze B2 file changes in an audit log.
    • Archive metadata in a database when files are deleted from Backblaze B2.
    • Spool up data analytics.
    • Deliver finished assets to end users.

    The guides in this section provide more information about Event Notifications and how to use them.

    You can also use the Backblaze B2 API to manage Event Notifications:

    To enable this feature, contact the Support team to request access.

    Currently, Group admins cannot manage Event Notification rules in a Group member’s account.

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