Backup Client Release Notes (Windows)
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    Backup Client Release Notes (Windows)

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    Article summary

    Release Version

    Click here for Computer Backup Restore App release notes.


    • Restrictions were removed that prevented certain large files from being backed up.
    • The threading mechanism was optimized to enhance performance and efficiency in data operations.
    • Files with missing chunks are now automatically repaired when possible.

    Bug Fixes

    • Unnecessary files were removed to prevent the drive from reaching capacity.
    • An issue was resolved that caused the Next button to briefly appear when the installer is re-run.
    • An issue was resolved that caused an unresponsive Close button to appear on the "Install Complete" modal.
    • An issue was resolved that caused the app to freeze and display an error when logging in with a single-sign on (SSO) account.
    • An issue was resolved where selecting the wrong SSO caused the client to time out.

    Release Version


    • The process to check for existing installations was improved to prevent corrupt installations.
    • The Windows Backup Client installer was enhanced with performance and reliability optimizations for smoother installations and upgrade and downgrade experiences.
    • Various security improvements were made to the Windows Backup Client installer.

    Bug Fixes

    • An issue was resolved that caused an unnecessary Windows User Account Control (UAC) modal to appear when auto-updates are enabled.
    • An issue was resolved that caused errors when installing the Windows Backup Client for Groups.
    • An issue was resolved that caused the Windows Backup Client installer to fail when used with Microsoft Office 365 Single Sign-On (SSO).
    • An issue was resolved that caused an installation to fail on systems that do not use C: as a boot drive.
    • An issue was resolved that caused an error to occur when a custom installer was already used or expired.
    • An issue was resolved that caused the Backup Client to freeze and display an error during installation when logging in with an SSO account.
    • An issue was resolved that prevented the Backup Client from installing when a gift code was used.

    Release Version

    You should update to this version to maintain full functionality of the Backblaze Backup Client.


    • Improvements were implemented to strengthen the Windows Installer, laying the groundwork for a future installation.
    • cURL version 8.9.1 is now supported.
    • The "Skipped Files" process was enhanced for better performance and more efficient file handling.
    • The Backup Client was upgraded to support OpenSSL v3.3.2.

    Bug Fix

    • An issue was resolved that caused the Backup Client to crash when the number of top-level directories exceeded 200,000 entries.

    Release Version

    Click here for Computer Backup Restore App release notes.

    This is a critical update. Backblaze recommends that you upgrade immediately.

    Bug Fix

    • An issue was resolved where files were prematurely expunged before the license expired.

    Release Version

    This is a critical update. Backblaze recommends that you upgrade immediately.


    • Improvements were made that enhanced security.
    • Improvements were made to error messages to provide more information during installation.

    Bug Fixes

    • A problem with the installer, where it would become unresponsive, was resolved.

    Release Version


    • Notifications and the process for handling the end-of-life status of an installed Backup Client version were improved through various enhancements.

    Bug Fixes

    • The correct version history is now displayed in the Control Panel after a Backup Client upgrade.
    • An upgrade link now appears so a user can upgrade to “Forever” version history.
    • Version History text and stats persist after upgrading the Backup Client.
    • Non-functional updates were made to the Computer Backup Installer.
    • Help Center text and a link was added to the Backup Client Control Panel for Windows 11.

    Release Version


    • A Show Password button is now displayed on the “Private Encryption Key” window. The warning message text was also updated.
    • The process for handling the end-of-life status of an installed client version was improved through various enhancements.

    Bug Fixes

    • Files that contain a resource fork no longer fail when scheduled for backup.
    • Version History settings are now retained after an “Inherit Backup State” is completed.
    • Additional SHA-1 checks were implemented to prevent corrupted backup files before uploading to servers.
    • If a large file existed that required making a full copy of that large file to back up and a user deletes that large file from their computer, a “Low on Disk Space” error is no longer returned.

    Release Version


    • Restore logs dynamically update to be readable while a restore progresses.

    Bug Fixes

    • Log files are now removed periodically to prevent them from increasing indefinitely and filling up drive space.

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