Cyberduck for Mac Integration with Backblaze B2
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    Cyberduck for Mac Integration with Backblaze B2

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    Article summary

    Cyberduck is an open-source client for FTP and SFTP, WebDAV, and cloud storage, available for macOS and Windows.

    As of Cyberduck 7.9.1, major performance improvements were made to how Cyberduck handles small files and how many concurrent files you can transfer at one time. Update to the latest version, and recheck the suggested performance settings in Edit Preferences.

    After you install updates, review your settings to make sure they have not been reset.

    This guide provides the steps to integrate Cyberduck with Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage. You can also watch the following video tutorial that shows you how to seamlessly integrate cloud storage. For more information, see the Cyberduck documentation about Backblaze B2.

    Create an Application Key

    You can also use your Master Application Key and Master Application Key ID that was generated when you enabled Backblaze B2.

    1. Sign in to the Backblaze web console.
    2. In the left navigation menu under B2 Cloud Storage, click Application Keys.
    3. Click Add a New Application Key, and enter an app key name.
      You cannot search an app key by this name; therefore, app key names are not required to be globally unique. Key names are limited to 100 characters and can contain letters, numbers, and "-", but not I18N characters, such as é, à, and ü.
    4. Select All or select a specific bucket in the Allow Access to Bucket(s) menu.
    5. Optionally, select your access type (Read and Write, Read Only, or Write Only).
    6. Optionally, select Allow List All Bucket Names.
      This option is required for the B2 Native API b2_list_buckets and the S3-Compatible API S3 List Buckets operations.
    7. Optionally, enter a file name prefix to restrict application key access only to files with that prefix.
      Depending on what you selected in step #4, this limits application key access to files with the specified prefix for all buckets or just the selected bucket.
    8. Optionally, enter a positive integer to limit the time, in seconds, before the application key expires.
      The value must be less than 1000 days (in seconds).
    9. Click Create New Key, and note the resulting keyID and applicationKey values.
    When you create a new app key, the response contains the actual key string, for example N2Zug0evLcHDlh_L0Z0AJhiGGdY. You can always find the keyID on this page, but for security, the applicationKey appears only once. Make sure you copy and securely save this value elsewhere.

    Set up Cyberduck

    1. Download and install Cyberduck.
    2. Open Cyberduck, and click Open Connection.
    3. In the drop-down menu, select Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage.
    4. Enter your Backblaze B2 Key ID and app key, and click Connect.

    Create a Bucket

    1. Click , select Action, and select New Folder.
    2. Enter a bucket name.
      Bucket names are globally unique. If the bucket name fails, enter a different name.
    3. Select a privacy setting.
      If you set the privacy option to Public, users can view or download the data using a link.
    4. Click Create.
    The latest version of Cyberduck supports read-only keys and bucket-restricted keys. For more information, see the Cyberduck documentation about Backblaze B2.

    Upload a File

    1. Right-click your folder name, and select Upload.
    2. Select a file from your computer, and click Upload.
      You can also drag a file from your computer to the folder name.

    File Versioning

    A list of file versions can be viewed in Cyberduck on the Versions tab of the Info screen.

    1. In the Cyberduck browser, select a file, select File, and select Info.
    2. On the Info screen, click the B2 tab and select Bucket Versioning to enable versioning.
    3. Click the Version tab on the Info screen to view all of the versions of a file, revert to a previous version, or delete a version.

    Edit Preferences

    If there are temporary issues with the Internet connection when you transfer files, you can increase the timeouts and retries to help overcome this automatically, especially when uploading large files or synchronizing large directories. You can also change settings to improve performance.

    1. On your Mac menu bar, click Cyberduck.
    2. Select Preferences.
    3. Click , and select Connection.
    4. If you experience performance issues, change the following settings:
      1. Change Timeout for opening connections to 60 seconds.
      2. Select the Repeat failed networking tasks checkbox.
      3. Change with delay (seconds) to 10.
      4. Change Number of retries to 20.
    5. To make file transfers faster, click Transfers and ensure that Transfer Files is set to Open multiple connections.
    6. For the successful transfer of large files, set downloads and uploads to overwrite the files with the same name. If the file size is different, it resumes the pending file transfer.
      1. Under Downloads, select Resume in the Existing Files menu.
      2. Under Uploads, select Resume in the Existing Files menu.

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