Unzip a Restore File (Windows)
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    Unzip a Restore File (Windows)

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    Article summary

    When you restore data from Backblaze Computer Backup, your files are packaged and compressed into a ZIP file. A ZIP file is an archive file that allows multiple files to be transferred within a single, smaller file. When the ZIP file is downloaded to your computer, you can unzip (extract) the file, and all of the files that are contained within it are copied to a new folder on your computer.

    Unzip the Contents of a ZIP File

    Extracting data from a ZIP file creates a copy of the data on your computer. For example, a 1 GB ZIP file that is saved on your computer requires at least 1 GB of free space to extract. If your disk space is limited, consider creating more free space on the drive or designating a different drive for the extraction destination.

    In Windows, a ZIP file often appears as a folder icon with a zipper.

    1. Right-click the file, and select Extract All from the menu. This function uses the built-in unzipping utility that is included with Windows.
    2. In the window that appears, confirm the Destination where you want to extract the files. If you leave the destination as the default pre-filled directory, it creates a folder in the same place as the original ZIP file.
      When the extraction is complete, a new folder appears in the Destination directory that you designated.
    3. Open this folder to view the unzipped contents, and move the files as needed.

    Alternative Programs

    In some cases, the Windows utility for unzipping may not be compatible with the ZIP file that you downloaded. If you get an error while attempting to unzip the file, you can use an alternative program instead:

    Delete a ZIP File

    If you successfully unzipped your files, you should have a copy of the contents available in a new folder. At that point, you can delete the original ZIP file to save space.

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