Resolve a bzfileids.dat File Error
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    Resolve a bzfileids.dat File Error

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    Article summary

    Backblaze Computer Backup maintains a file on your computer called bzfileids.dat. When Backblaze Computer Backup backs up your files, it loads the bzfileids.dat file into RAM to run a checksum before uploading your files to the server. If you back up an extremely large number of files, or if your computer has used the Backblaze Computer Backup software for a very long time, the bzfileids.dat file may become too large to be fully loaded into RAM, prompting an error message.

    Revalidating your Backup Data (Mac)

    1. Navigate to
    2. Download the installer for macOS.
      Do not uninstall the Backblaze Client, and do not skip the next step.
    3. Restart your computer.
    4. When your computer is back up, open the installer and click Install Now.
    5. Restart your computer.
    6. Click the Backblaze icon in your menu bar to open the Backup Client.
    7. Select Preferences.
    8. Press and hold the Option key, and click Restore Options.
    9. Let the process run for three to four hours.

    Revalidating your Backup Data (Windows)

    1. Navigate to
    2. Download the installer for Windows.
      Do not uninstall the Backblaze Client, and do not skip the next step.
    3. Restart your computer.
    4. When your computer is back up, open the installer and click Install Now.
    5. Restart your computer.
    6. Click the Backblaze icon in the task bar or the Start menu to open the Backup Client Control Panel.
    7. Select Preferences.
    8. Press and hold the Control key, and click Restore Options.
    9. Let the process run for three to four hours.

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