Install the Backblaze Client Silently (Mac)
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    Install the Backblaze Client Silently (Mac)

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    Article summary

    For Apple's line of macOS operating systems, pushing an application to hundreds of users generally involves a mountable DMG file that contains an installer package. The Backblaze Computer Backup Installer for macOS works similarly. There are a few unique steps to deploy the client silently.

    Groups without any purchased licenses can only silently deploy to 10 accounts until a license is purchased for the group. To learn more about how to add a license to a group see here.

    Decentralized Deployment (User-Managed Account)

    The email parameter that is passed by the script must be unique to each user who is related to the endpoint at runtime.

    Decentralized deployments involve an account for each endpoint that is then part of the business group that manages payment and admin activity (if enabled). In this scenario, the end user has access to their own data through the Backblaze portal. 

    Centralized Deployment (IT Managed Account)

    The primary email will be hardcoded because it stays static.

    Centralized deployments mean that every endpoint is logged into a primary Backblaze account that is managed by IT. In this scenario, the end user does not have access to their data on Backblaze and they must contact the manager of that centralized account. These deployments are quite simple because the email that is passed to the installer does not change per endpoint.

    Due to Apple's increasing security measures for Mac OS (Mojave and onward), there is an additional step of distributing a configuration to allow the Backblaze client full access to the disk. For more information, click here.

    Use the Installer through the Command-Line Interface

    Before you begin: You must have the following prerequisites.

    • Mac OS 10.9 or newer
    • An active Backblaze Group
    • Either a static, centralized IT email or a dynamic email that is related to the particular deployment
    • The value region is optional and can be used for deployments that must specify the region to which an email account will be deployed. Values are either us-west, us-east, or eu-central.
    • A groupID and a groupToken
      These two values are used as authentication to log in after the email parameter. The script fails to deploy if the email account is not a user within the Group. You can retrieve these from your Backblaze portal.

    Retrieve your groupID and groupToken

    1. Sign in to your Backblaze account.
    2. In the left navigation menu under Business Group, click Group Management.
    3. Navigate to the appropriate Group, and click Send Invites.
    4. Click Advanced Instructions.
      The two parameters at the end of the command are your groupID and groupToken values, respectively.

    Backblaze Installer

    You can find the most current version of the macOS installer here:

    The macOS package is controlled through the following parameters that you pass through Terminal.

    Sign In Account Mode

    Use the following command for deployments that involve a user who does not yet have a Backblaze account. You must enter values for <email>, <groupID>, and <groupToken>.

    sudo /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer/Backblaze\ -nogui -createaccount_or_signinaccount <email> <groupid> <grouptoken>

    Create Account Mode with Region

    Use the following command for deployments that involve a user who already has a Backblaze account and is part of the group. You must enter values for <email>, <groupID>, and <groupToken>. The <region> parameter is optional.

    sudo /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer/Backblaze\ -nogui -createaccount_or_signinaccount <email> <groupid> <grouptoken> <region>

    Update Mode -silentupgrade

    Use the following command for deployments that involve a user who already has Backblaze installed and only needs an update.

    sudo /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer/Backblaze\ -silentupgrade bzdiy

    Use a Shell Script

    The shell script makes interfacing with the commands you saw in the previous section easier. If you use the script, you can dynamically complete the following workflows:

    • Automatically handle both new account deployments (-createaccount) and existing account deployments (-signin) without the need to dictate ahead of time per deployment
    • Upgrade deployments that already have the software installed and running
    • Handle Jamf Pro environments that need to use a decentralized deployment
    Click here to expand the macOS script.
    ############### Backblaze Variables ###############
    # Default values (can be overridden by command-line arguments)
    region="" # Specify if account is to be deployed in specific region [us-west or eu-central]
    # BZERROR:190 - The System Preferences process is running on the computer. Close System Preferences and retry the installation.
    # BZERROR:1000 - This is a general error code. One possible reason is that the Backblaze installer doesn't have root permissions and is failing. Please see the install log file for more details.
    # BZERROR:1016/1003 - Login Error... Email account exists but is not a member of indicated Group, Group ID is incorrect, or Group token is incorrect,
    ################ FUNCTIONS #########################
    function update_backblaze {
    	return=$(sudo /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer/Backblaze\ -silentupgrade bzdiy)
    function signin_backblaze {
    	return=$(sudo /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer/Backblaze\ -nogui -createaccount_or_signinaccount "$email" "$group_id" "$group_token")
    function create_region_account {
    	return=$(sudo /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer/Backblaze\ -nogui -createaccount_or_signinaccount "$email" "$group_id" "$group_token" "$region")
    function email_validation {
    	[[ "$email" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$ ]]
    	if [ "$rc" != "0" ]; then
    		echo "Failed to retrieve valid email address. Parsed Email: [ $email ]"
    		echo "Please make sure variables are set"
    		exit 1
    		echo "Email: [ $email ] seems to be a valid email address"
    		echo "Continuing with install"
    function success_exit {
    	echo "Unmounting Installer..."
    	diskutil unmount /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer
    	echo "Cleaning up..."
    	rm install_backblaze.dmg
    	exit 0
    function failure_exit {
    	echo "Unmounting Installer..."
    	diskutil unmount /Volumes/Backblaze\ Installer
    	echo "Cleaning up..."
    	rm install_backblaze.dmg
    	exit 1
    function kill_syspref {
    	killall -KILL System\ Preferences > /dev/null 2>&1
    function set_directory {
    	cd "$HOME" || { echo "Failed to cd to user directory"; exit 1; }
    function download_backblaze {
    	echo "Downloading latest backblaze client..."
    	curl -s -O
    function mount_backblaze {
    	echo "Mounting Installer..."
    	hdiutil attach -quiet -nobrowse install_backblaze.dmg
    set_directory "$@"
    # Parse command-line arguments
    while getopts "g:t:e:r:" opt; do
      case $opt in
        g) group_id="$OPTARG" ;;
        t) group_token="$OPTARG" ;;
        e) email="$OPTARG" ;;
        r) region="$OPTARG" ;;
        \?) echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2; exit 1 ;;
    # Validate email exists
    # Kill System Preferences process to prevent related BZERROR
    # Check to see if Backblaze is installed already, if so update it. Else continue as planned.
    if open -Ra "Backblaze" ; then
    	echo "Backblaze already installed, attempting to update"
    	if [ "$return" == "BZERROR:1001" ]; then
    		echo "Backblaze successfully updated"
    		# Try upgrade again in case there was a file lock on the mounted dmg causing errors
    		if [ "$return" == "BZERROR:1001" ]; then
    			echo "Backblaze successfully updated"
    			echo "Backblaze was already installed but failed to update"
    	echo "Confirmed Backblaze isn't installed already, continuing with deployment..."
    echo "Trying to sign in account"
    if [ "$region" == "" ]; then
    	if [ "$return" == "BZERROR:1001" ]; then
    		echo "Backblaze successfully installed, $email signed in..."
    		if [ "$return" == "BZERROR:1001" ]; then
    			echo "Backblaze successfully installed, $email signed in..."
    			echo "Failed to install Backblaze, errorcode: $return"
    	if [ "$return" == "BZERROR:1001" ]; then
    		echo "Backblaze account successfully created in $region, $email signed in..."
    		echo "Failed to install Backblaze, errorcode: $return"

    Use the Shell Script to Silently Deploy

    Before you run the script, you must hard code a few values depending on the type of deployment you need:


    The $3-$7 variables are used for Jamf Pro deployments. If you are not using Jamf Pro, replace those variables with strings.

    • (Required) username="username" sets the directory to the proper user to prevent RMM tools from having Backblaze stuck in its working directory.
    • (Required) groupid="groupID
    • (Required) groupToken="groupToken"
    • (Required) email="email"
    • (Optional) region="region"

    The script automatically runs an update on any endpoint if it finds that Backblaze is already installed.


    A successful installation results in a BZERROR:1001 message.

    The following output error codes indicate potential issues:

    • BZERROR:190
      The System Preferences process is running on the computer. Close System Preferences, and retry the installation. (This should not appear because the script should be closing.)
    • BZERROR:1000
      This is a general error code. One possible reason is that the Backblaze Installer does not have root permissions, and it is failing. See the install log file for more details.
    • BZERROR:1016
      The intended email address already has a Backblaze account, the group ID is incorrect, or the group token is incorrect.

    The (remote) computer's Backblaze install log is located in: /Library/Backblaze.bzpkg/install_log/install_logNN.log, in which NN represents the two-digit number that corresponds to the day of the month of the installation (for example, install_log08.log).

    If you are unable to successfully install or you see a different error, contact the Support team. Provide Support with the install log from the computer for which you attempted a silent installation.

    If you have more questions, contact the Backblaze Business Account team.

    Additional scripts for silent deployment can be found here. Some of the scripts found at the github are untested and may require troubleshooting.

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