Manage cloud storage workflows with rclone’s easy, efficient feature set.
Rclone is a powerful, widely-used, open source command line tool to manage files stored in the cloud. With rclone, storage administrators and workflow developers can manage copying and syncing files to and from local disk, SFTP servers, and many cloud service providers, including Backblaze. Referred to by some as the “Swiss Army Knife of cloud storage,” rclone contains an extremely deep and powerful feature set that empowers smart storage admins and workflow scripters everywhere to meet almost any storage task with ease and efficiency.
Whatever the use case or preferred solutions, the “Swiss Army Knife of cloud storage” connects your cloud workflow for easy data management.
Built for broad compatibility to support open cloud workflows across the providers you prefer.
Feature-rich services provide extensive configurability and flexibility for fine-tuning.
Fast sync between local storage and cloud services means files are safe and up to date everywhere.
Backblaze B2 is a fraction the cost of AWS S3, and rclone is free, for high performance at low cost.
In just 15 minutes, you can begin managing your storage workflow in the cloud. For more information, see our rclone integration guide.