Welcome Ebony — Data Center Tech


One of the positions that we’re continually hiring for at Backblaze is for Data Center Technician. As we store more and more data, we need to make sure that all of our physical drives and servers are running smoothly, and that’s what the techs do on a daily basis. The newest addition to that team is Ebony! Lets learn a bit more about her shall we?

What is your Backblaze Title?
Data Center Tech.

Where are you originally from?
Berkeley, California.

What attracted you to Backblaze?
The Friendly People.

What do you expect to learn while being at Backblaze?
More about Linux.

Where else have you worked?

Where did you go to school?
Berkeley High.

What’s your dream job?
Football player.

Favorite place you’ve traveled?

Favorite hobby?

Of what achievement are you most proud?
Bettering myself.

Star Trek or Star Wars?
Star Trek.

Coke or Pepsi?

Favorite food?

Why do you like certain things?
Because certain things like me.

Anything else you’d like you’d like to tell us?
Keep up the good work.

We’ll be sure to keep up the good work and are stoked that you’ve joined our data center crew! Welcome aboard!

About Yev

Yev Pusin is the senior director of Marketing and sometimes Marketing chief of staff at Backblaze, which he joined in 2011. Yev has a degree in business and communications from the University of Iowa, where he developed an alliteration affinity. Yev enjoys writing in an amusing way about the "why" of things and how decisions are made, so that readers can learn and be entertained all at once. Follow Yev on: Twitter: @YevP | LinkedIn: Yev Pusin