Welcome Carlo!

Welcome Carlo!
As Backblaze continues to grow, we need to keep our web experience on point, so we put out a call for creative folks that can help us make the Backblaze experience all that it can be. We found Carlo! He’s a frontend web developer who used to work at Sea World. Lets learn a bit more about Carlo, shall we?

What is your Backblaze Title?
Senior Frontend Developer


Where are you originally from? 
I grew up in San Diego, California.


What attracted you to Backblaze?
I am excited that frontend architecture is approaching parity with the rest of the web services software development ecosystem. Most of my experience has been full stack development, but I have recently started focusing on the front end. Backblaze shares my goal of having a first class user experience using frameworks like React.


What do you expect to learn while being at Backblaze?
I’m interested in building solutions that help customers visualize and work with their data intuitively and efficiently.


Where else have you worked?
GoPro, Sungevity, and Sea World.


What’s your dream job?
Hip Hop dressage choreographer.


Favorite place you’ve traveled? 
The Arctic in Northern Finland, in a train in a boat sailing the gap between Germany and Denmark, and Vieques PR.


Favorite hobby?
Sketching, writing, and dressing up my hairless dogs.


Of what achievement are you most proud?
It’s either helping release a large SOA site, or orchestrating a Morrissey cover band flash mob #squadgoals. OK, maybe one those things didn’t happen…


Star Trek or Star Wars?


Favorite food?
Mexican food.


Coke or Pepsi?
Ginger beer.


Why do you like certain things? 
Things that I like bring me joy a la Marie Kondo.


Anything else you’d like you’d like to tell us?


Wow, hip hop dressage choreographer — that is amazing. Welcome aboard Carlo!

About Yev

Yev Pusin is the senior director of Marketing and sometimes Marketing chief of staff at Backblaze, which he joined in 2011. Yev has a degree in business and communications from the University of Iowa, where he developed an alliteration affinity. Yev enjoys writing in an amusing way about the "why" of things and how decisions are made, so that readers can learn and be entertained all at once. Follow Yev on: Twitter: @YevP | LinkedIn: Yev Pusin