Restoring a 3MB file takes seconds. Restoring 400GB might be best done by ordering a USB drive FedEx’ed to you. However, a restore between 1GB and 100GB you may choose to download, but that can be painful with most web browsers—some simply cannot support downloads over 4GB, and most neither check to make sure the file downloaded correctly nor auto-restart where they left off if interrupted.
Thus, Backblaze has developed Restore Downloader apps for Windows and Mac. (The Mac one has been available for a little while; the Windows one becomes available now.)
You still select your restore the way you always did through the website. However, if a restore is over 1GB, you will automatically be offered a tiny application with which you can download that restore.
Using it is simple: Sign-in and click “start download.”
The Backblaze Restore Downloader will automatically start downloading the most recent restore you have selected. If you stop the restore or there is ever a hiccup in your network, the app will restart from where it left off.