With over 500 Petabytes of data under management we need more people keeping the drives spinning in our data center. We’re constantly hiring Systems Administrators and Data Center Technicians, and here’s our latest one! Lets learn a bit more about Jacob, shall we?
What is your Backblaze Title?
Data center Technician
Where are you originally from?
Ojai, CA
What attracted you to Backblaze?
It’s a technical job that believes in training it’s employees and treating them well.
What do you expect to learn while being at Backblaze?
As much as I can.
Where else have you worked?
I was a Team Lead at Target, I did some volunteer work with the Ventura County Medical Center, and I also worked at a motocross track.
Where did you go to school?
Ventura Community College, then 1 semester at Sac State
What’s your dream job?
Don’t really have one. Whatever can support my family and that I enjoy.
Favorite place you’ve traveled?
Yosemite National Park for the touristy stuff, Bend Oregon for a good getaway place.
Favorite hobby?
Gaming and music. It’s a tie.
Of what achievement are you most proud?
Marrying my wife Masha.
Star Trek or Star Wars?
Wars. 100%. I’m a major Star Wars geek.
Coke or Pepsi?
Favorite food?
French fries.
Why do you like certain things?
Because my brain tells me I like them.
Thank you for helping care for all of our customer’s data. Welcome to the data center team Jacob!