Backblaze Is Faster than the Sound of Panic After a Hard Drive Failure

Yes, that’s how blazing fast Backblaze is at backing up your data! At least according to @joerocklin who gets a Backblaze bike jersey for finishing: “Backblaze is faster than…” In addition to Joe’s answer, there were hundreds of other suggestions…many of which made us laugh out loud. Thank to everyone who submitted! For your perusing… Continue reading Backblaze Is Faster than the Sound of Panic After a Hard Drive Failure

Cyber Monday Winner Gets Peace of Mind for Giving Peace of Mind

Congratulations to Kenneth Ames for winning the Backblaze Cyber Monday raffle! He bought one year Backblaze online backup gifts for both his son and daughter in college. Helping ensure his kids don’t lose their school papers, photos, music, and other data got Kenneth a $250 gift card which he’s using to take a trip to… Continue reading Cyber Monday Winner Gets Peace of Mind for Giving Peace of Mind

And the Winner Is… Kiss Your Lost Files Hello

Thank you for voting on your favorite billboard! The votes have been tallied across the Facebook poll, comments, blog feedback, Twitter responses… And the winner is: Kiss your lost files hello Lee Robertson wins one-year of Backblaze online backup by voting/retweeting. Congratulations Lee, thanks to everyone that voted… And look out for the billboard appearing… Continue reading And the Winner Is… Kiss Your Lost Files Hello

It’s Down to the Final 6: Vote for Your Favorite Backblaze Billboard

We asked you to provide us ideas for a billboard and, wow, did you come through! You submitted about 200 ideas! It was incredibly difficult to narrow them down. But, after much deliberation, rigorous analysis, careful evaluation…and just some plain “I like that one!” we came down to the six ideas below. Now, it’s time… Continue reading It’s Down to the Final 6: Vote for Your Favorite Backblaze Billboard

Give Friends Peace of Mind for the Holidays—and Get a Hotel Night or Free Flight

Peace of mind means different things to different people. It might be knowing you can get the song your baby falls asleep to when you’re traveling or being able to find your lost or stolen computer. At Backblaze, we believe that peace of mind comes from never having to worry about losing the video of… Continue reading Give Friends Peace of Mind for the Holidays—and Get a Hotel Night or Free Flight

Backblaze Is Faster Than…

Meet the Backblaze Peloton. From Wikipedia: The peloton travels as an integrated unit, like birds flying in formation, each rider making slight adjustments in response to the riders around him or her… I would say we started a Backblaze biking group because of the inherent efficiency, teamwork, and performance of a well-executed peloton; that this… Continue reading Backblaze Is Faster Than…

Backblaze 2.0: Unlimiting Unlimited

Backblaze has always provided unlimited online backup: unlimited storage and unthrottled bandwidth. Today, I am very excited to announce: Backblaze 2.0—a performance release that makes the service more unlimited, faster, and even easier to get all your data safely backed up. There are 16 updates that we think you’ll love. I want to highlight a… Continue reading Backblaze 2.0: Unlimiting Unlimited

Get Well, Amit!

Several years ago, a guy sent us an email saying he liked our service and was planning on recommending Backblaze on his newsletter, Photojojo. We’d never heard of him or his newsletter but we said, “Great!” Shortly thereafter he wrote “Backblaze: Backup Software You’ll Actually Use” and almost 10,000 people showed up to try the… Continue reading Get Well, Amit!

GINA Builds Some Backblaze Pods

I loves me some Backblaze!

Okay, actually it was Chloe that built the first Pod. And Greg that built the second. But those Pods were built to store the geospatial information data for GINA—the Geographic Information Network of Alaska. When searching for pics of Backblaze Storage Pods, I stumbled across Stefanie “Chloe” Edgar’s Picasa album with photos of the Storage… Continue reading GINA Builds Some Backblaze Pods

Petabytes on a Budget 2.0: Revealing More Secrets

To get the latest updates and information on ALL of the Storage Pod versions. Click Here. It’s been over a year since Backblaze revealed the designs of our first generation (67TB) Storage Pod. During that time, we’ve remained focused on our mission to provide an unlimited online backup service for $5 per month. To maintain… Continue reading Petabytes on a Budget 2.0: Revealing More Secrets

Backblaze Fully Supports OS X Lion (10.7)

While Apple just recently announced their newest operating system, OS X Lion (10.7), Backblaze has been working with developers and beta testers for a while to ensure our online backup service is fully compatible. When you rush out to upgrade to Lion, know that your Backblaze online backup service will work seamlessly. The new OS… Continue reading Backblaze Fully Supports OS X Lion (10.7)