This weekend we moved into our new data center—a facility we share with companies including Sun Microsystems, Esurance, Ticketmaster, and CNET. It has all the high-tech wizardry you can imagine to keep our customers’ online backup data safe: raised floor with seismic pedestals in case of earthquake 16 data carriers independent PG&E power feed induction coupling… Continue reading Backblaze Hardened Against Disaster
Year: 2008
Light as a Brick
Our PCs are more powerful than ever, so why do they feel so slow? It might be that our expectations have increased. Or, it might be the applications installed on them. A new PC today has one million times (4GB vs 4KB) more RAM than the earliest computers. Creating a program back then meant optimizing… Continue reading Light as a Brick
Shaping a Logo
When we were thinking about a logo for Backblaze, we knew we wanted an iconic image that could be connected easily to the software. That meant creating something simple enough that could scale to 16×16 pixels for an icon placed in the system tray. Logos are probably the most difficult for me as a designer… Continue reading Shaping a Logo
Ziff Davis CTO Loses His Backup
Robyn Peterson isn’t a computer newbie—after all, he’s in charge of technology for tech publisher Ziff Davis. So how did he lose his backup? Using a popular techie solution for online backup: FTP-ing his files to a web hosting provider. A perfectly reasonable, if somewhat tedious, solution. But as he found out, not such a… Continue reading Ziff Davis CTO Loses His Backup
Computerworld’s Elgan Tosses the Drive
“I’ve owned six portable USB hard drives over the past 10 years, and all six of them have failed unrecoverably. Is it just me, or is there a wider problem out there?” Mike Elgan asks. As prices have plummeted over the last few years, the USB hard drive market has exploded. More and more users… Continue reading Computerworld’s Elgan Tosses the Drive
1 Billion PCs at Risk
According to Forrester Research there will be one billion PCs in use by the end of 2008. 50 billion photos snapped by consumers in 2007. You’d think if we cared enough about our travels, kids, and memories to take those photos, we’d care enough to make sure we didn’t lose them. But it seems we… Continue reading 1 Billion PCs at Risk